Sunday, 17 January 2010


Here's the photos promised ... I didn't take many because the camera stopped working. I blame the sand. The pics below are thumbnails, click to enlarge.

PJ bodiefluffy bodie

Here is Bodie (left), he is four and a half.
Bodie is a blond fireball, up early and playing hard all day to collapse at around 8pm. We had fun with a simple magic trick, counting, reading stories, pretend fishing off the deck, running, swinging, all before breakfast!

After all that I was crying out for my morning coffee - so I packed us all off to Charley Farlies, on the beach. Bodie had a hard choice between a fluffy and an ice block - decided on the fluffy (right) as strategy, since he figured (correctly) that he could get the ice later.

It was a blistering day, and Bodie entertained himself building sand castles and digging very deep holes (below) while his mum held his bow and arrow in trust. Cathy relates child-rearing stories - there was no shade on this part of the beach: right after this shot I went for a drink.

bodie at the beach

After Onetangi, we went to little Oneroa for lunch, and Bodie found some ducklings to feed. We were still there when I realised I had to get packed to meet the ferry home. Cathy was having too much fun and elected to stay. You can see why.

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